
Thursday, February 14, 2019

Love Over the Centuries in Writing Essay -- Poetry Poets Writing Love

savor Over the Centuries in authorshipCompargon the different counsellings and forms in which poets have write somewhatlove over the centuries?Love is a universal theme throughout literature from past to modernday. Love has evolved over the centuries, in the way state feel itand understand it and so has the way poets have written about love. Overcenturies history has changed the values of love and what it is fromthe French rotary motion to the counterbalance World War. Always love is animportant theme in society therefore in literature. Creating poesysof the time to reflect the period when it was written.In the seventeenth century, poets portrayed love to be versed and the womenwould not be sexually active until marriage, because the 17th centurywas a time of set religion. Men would idealise their love for awomen but women would want be virgins and this is portrayed in thepoem To His Coy Mistress. This love is called cultivated love and wasvery traditional in the 17th ce ntury. In the early stanza AndrewMarvell describes the love in the poem in first somebody. This makesthe poem own(prenominal) and is important to show how intimate the love iswith using the second person pronoun we provide illustrate connection orbond between him and her, this nates express that a woman is not just asexual object but a partner in life. The whole poem is a speech toget the women into bed. Andrew Marvell uses biblical references toillustrate to how love to his harlot goes on for eternity. AndrewMarvell describes by using the mention of the Jews in the poem. Thereligious scene to the poem is a way to show love in 17th century. The love is over exaggerated in the first stanza, and the reader inthe 21st century would find this humorous but in ... ...o pass along how love feels and have individualised poems, and how love canbe expressed.In conclusion to this essay, poems have evolved with how society haschanged the poems I have analysed can show this themselves. Th esepoems show society as it was when they were wrote however some of thepoems can assort to the modern day society in which we live in today. Love poems from centuries ago can relate to people now, the reason forthis is that love is an sensation that will never die and it is felt byeveryone. The poem First Love can be read by anyone today andpeople can relate to their own first love love can also be rejectedby anyone. Females are still creation victims of prejudice even thoughas a society we are against sexism, this is a reason why A Women toher Lover can be related to by any women today wanting to be an equalizein life and love.

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