
Sunday, January 27, 2019

Korea & Art Essay

Korea is sticker then was heavily influenced by China particularly with Chinas introduction of Buddhism to Korea. This had a very deep political, cultural and religious influence in the nation. Art in Korea from the 1st to the tertiary century A. D. was mostly ceramics and sculpture. This was due to the introduction of the monkeys wheel to the country. This was during the same time that iron technology was introduced to the country as well. Containers shaped like birds that have been discovered were dated back to this period and were said to represent Korean beliefs regarding the afterlife.These were apparently made for aesthetic, rather than for utilitarian purposes. Its manner of creation which was of soft and low-fired clay was very distinguishable from those which ere made for practical uses. This soft and low-fired clay wares were called the wajil togi. This was subsequent replaced during the 3rd century by the hard and high-fired stoneware called the kyongjil togi. Duri ng the fourth century, Korea had already been divide into three kingdoms Koguryo in the north, Paekche in the southwest, and Silla in the southeast.There was another 4th political entity called the Kaya Federaltion. It is made up of only puny city states located in between Silla and Paekche. Prior to this century, the Chinese had already introduced a placement of writing to Korea. During this century, this system of writing was adapted into the Korean Language and was referred to as the idu. Landscape paint was also a form of art in ancient Korea. The earliest one to have been imbed was dated to the fifth century A. D. and was found in a Koguryo tomb.It was a wall painting that depicted a group of hunters that were riding their horses as they were hunting. Its landscape position was a simple drawing of a mountain. Another mural was later discovered inside Muyong- chong (the Tomb of Dancers). It was an early example of Korean characterization and genre painting that had more focus on realism. A small gold and bronze sculpture of a seated Buddha was also found in Korea which dated back to the 5th century in the dirt of the Paekche kingdom. It was one of the first proofs of the Buddhist influence in Korea.

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